Graffiti People


The Graffiti People have always been and will always be. They are an inter-dimensional musical collective that periodically leans into the third dimension to create something old and something new. A sound that encapsulates all time and no time. Its fluid and constantly changing roster of performers are always reaching for the outer edges of what is acceptable and accessible. Bending to the breaking point what is known on a musical journey into the unknown.

Thanks to authors, auralists and producers Angus MacDooglee, Hue McDubbin and Dr. Kalif Stoyetzkisda for the first recorded evidence of fourth dimensional music, now available to the public in the form of the Grapheete Peaple’s debut album, Negativland.

2021 UPDATE :

Our friendly neighborhood fourth dimensional time travellin’ band, Graffiti People,  have come back from the future to bestow upon us their sophomore release. A pair of albums known as Abuse Your Delusion. They said it was imperative that these sounds reach our collective subconscious at this juncture in time. Listen and hear sounds from the future, past & present all at once on Abuse Your Delusion I & Abuse Your Delusion II.


That’s right!