Telewave Radio- The author at work in his private study aided by the isolator

The author at work in his private study aided by the isolator. A telewave radio perched on the corner of the desk barking instructions as our hero, the author, types furiously on his model 1028 Underwood typewriter his assistant found at a yard sale for 8 dollars and two cents. Our Author is remembered for being the first human to have worked on inventions such as a particle gun that he believed might bring down tens of thousands of airplanes and spoke of anti-gravity flying machines. In his spare time, however, he was also a man who insisted on dining on everything. And we do mean everything, including roast hedgehog, potted ostrich, panthers, porpoises, puppies, and even bat urine. However, perhaps the author’s greatest achievement is his reportedly having eaten the shrunken heart of King Potato.